Archaeology Research and Legacy Grants
11 Feb 2022
The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Archaeology Research Grants and Archaeology Legacy Grants schemes are now open to applications:
The Archaeology Research Grant (ARG) scheme is funded by the NMS, Historic Environment Division NI and the RIA is operating this on an all-island basis for a third year. They have also benefitted from increased funding from NMS which has resulted in an increased budget for the ARG scheme, and will enable funding of up to €5,000 per project.
This scheme welcomes applications which focus on an innovative and standalone research question with a standalone research answer into which research might provide an original contribution to archaeological knowledge.
You can see details of projects recently funded under this scheme here
For further details on this scheme, click here
The Legacy Grants scheme is open once more to applications relating to post-excavation research for Archaeological Research Excavations which were previously funded by the Royal Irish Academy and whose RIA excavation funding ended at least five years ago. Approximately €90,000 is available for Archaeology Legacy grants in this round of funding. The maximum award available to a project under this round of funding is €30,000.
You can see details of projects recently funded under this scheme here
For further details on this scheme, click here