Events | IMA Event

National Heritage Week 2023: Museum Ireland Launch and In Conversation

18 August | 12:00 - 12:40

Irish Museums Association

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For National Heritage Week 2023, join us as as we launch the latest edition of Museum Ireland with an online In Conversation with guest editor Dr Briony Widdis

The Museum Ireland journal provides valuable insight into the museum sector across Ireland,  capturing new thinking, museum practice and developments through articles and peer reviews of exhibitions and publications.

To mark the publication (provided open-access), we will explore some of the emerging themes through the viewing of a 'Curator Choice' video and introduce the MENII Memories, MENII Voices project. This one-year public engagement project, led by a Queens University Belfast - IMA - ArtsEkta partnership, uses creative practice, auto-ethnography and oral histories  working with meaningful objects to sensitively explore Northern Ireland’s entanglement with global histories of colonialism and imperialism, and the legacies and afterlives of that entanglement today. 

National Heritage Week is an initiative of The Heritage Council of Ireland. 

This event is free of charge, registration is necessary to receive the online link.